Comments on: Teaching Students Transferable Skills The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 08 Mar 2011 21:52:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeffrey McClurken Sat, 22 May 2010 09:53:35 +0000 Like Rob, see my comment on Tanya’s Post. Bottom line, we have a strong core of teaching DH people here that want to talk about these issues.

By: mebrett Sat, 22 May 2010 01:22:35 +0000 As a public historian, I’d enjoy being part of the conversation.

By: Rob Nelson Fri, 21 May 2010 17:55:35 +0000 There’s a strong connection, I think, Brian, between this and Tanya Clement’s post on digital humanities curricula ( I posted a comment there asking a number of questions–and providing no answers–about what precisely in terms of critical reading skills a student might get from cultivating digital literacy in the digital humanities that she wouldn’t get from cultivating (generic) literary in the (generic) humanities? I wish I’d read your post first as you provide a concrete answer to my perhaps-too-abstract and perhaps-too-yakky question: they get some practical skills not just in reading new media texts but in authoring them. All of which to say is count me in on one or more sessions on digital humanities skills for undergraduates, digital humanities curricula, and designing and teaching a digital humanities course.
