Comments on: OpenStreetMap for Mapping of Historical Sites The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 08 Mar 2011 21:52:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eli Fri, 21 May 2010 14:36:52 +0000 This is a really interesting proposal. I’m particularly curious for how the research necessary for National Register Historic Districts can be organized and fed back into OSM. For example, I have a block by block account of date of construction and builder for about three neighborhoods in West Baltimore but right now that data only exists in a narrative form. I think there is also great potential for urban historians and architectural historians to use DIY aerial photography (following on the really interesting work on Grassroots Mapping by Jeffrey Warren at the Center for Future Civic Media. Higher resolution imagery of historic places could definitely make it easier to trace existing buildings into OSM.

By: wonderchook Fri, 21 May 2010 10:42:45 +0000 Eli, I’ve done a bit of grassroots mapping with kites in the context of the oil spill. I’d be interested in talking about that as well in relation to imagery of historic places.
